Kuria Jorissen, Photography

Kuria Jorissen

Astrophotographer & Photography


Kuria Jorissen is often traveling to far off wilderness areas, doing most of her work at midnight to 4 am. Her work in astrophotography involves constantly learning, researching, and perseverance through many foiled attempts—the one lesson you learn quickly is to never trust the weather reports. She spends much of her time studying new methods, history, astronomy, and the cultures around lesser known stories of the stars.

Through her work, Kuria seeks to share the stories of the stars. To showcase the natural beauty that surrounds us. And to bring people to that quiet moment in the wild and show them the beauty of what lies outside. Through this, she also seek to educate and encourage the preservation of our natural lands and dark skies.

“Being under the stars is when I truly feel grounded and the journey getting there is what makes me feel alive.”   ​—Kuria Jorissen