Painting (Acrylic)
Leanna began her art journey at early age of 3 and continue as an emerging artist and now she feels more established in her artistic accomplishments. Within her journey as an artist, she strives to master different styles and techniques–from large scale to miniatures, abstracts to realism, portraits to landscapes, and from flowers to romantic couples, ballerinas, and dancers. Self-taught, she finds discovering art secrets and techniques incredibly exciting and enjoys sharing her art with others through her gallery presentations and within a multitude of exhibits, resulting in awards and sales .
Leanna has exhibited her artwork in many juried shows receiving a number of awards including “Best of Show”. Her work is in collections in London, Paris, and throughout the United States.
“Every-day experiences make an impression on me and inspire me to paint. When I watch a dance performance, go hiking, or watch my family’s travel videos, I immediately want to express the feelings these experiences awaken in me. I enjoy when people respond to my artwork; it energizes me to keep going and to paint more.” –Leanna Leitzke
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