Ben Groff, Painter

Judy Snell

Painter (Oils)

Judy has lived in the Puget Sound region her entire life and developed a love of nature at an early age, spending countless hours drawing. As a young adult, she sold pen & ink sketches at local street fairs. With a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction that emphasized creative arts in education, her students were immersed in art,
enhancing their learning experience. Now she celebrates the world in color through her oil paintings. She has benefitted from the instruction of Michelle Usibilli (Edmonds, WA), Elizabeth Tolley (Central Coast, CA) and the Valerie Collymore Atelier. Judy has won numerous awards, and her paintings can be found all over the world. She was a member of the Art Stall Gallery at Pike Place Market and is a current member of Gallery North and Seattle Co-Arts. She resides in Mukilteo with her husband, Bill, and their dog, Scout.

“Spending my life near the water and the San Juan Islands, I have always been captivated by the reflective properties of water. By allowing colors to mingle in this impressionistic style, I hope to suggest a slight movement, enabling the viewer to have a sense of “being there.” The subject matter I have chosen endeavors to illustrate man’s delicate connection to nature from the quintessential houseboats of Seattle to the elegant lines of a sailboat. I strive to capture the beauty and evoke a sense of peace and joy” – Judy Snell